My name is Amy Tai and I am currently studying Management Engineering at the University of Waterloo.

Within the university, I volunteer with various organizations to promote Women in Engineering such as the WiE Outreach Squad and ONWiE. In the past, I held an Undergraduate Research Assistantship (URA) in the topic of Data Security and Applied Cryptography and assisted in the publication of an Energy Consumption Research Paper located in Technical Reports under #3.

In the past, I have completed a BEST Course on Smart Technology in Graz, Austria, worked as a Software Intern at Honeywell Interational in Atlanta, Georgia, and participated in an Overseas Youth Language Program in Taiwan.

I spend my spare time swimming, going on adventures with my friends and reading books. I also co-ran the University of Waterloo Entrepreneurship Society in Spring 2019.

I love to meet new people through volunteer events, coffee chats, and participating in new activities.

Feel free to reach out anytime on Linkedin!